Ame's Blog

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Icy, falling trees

Here's the lovely tree that tried to take out our little storage shed last week.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Friday Night

Friday night I went bowling with the Sunday school class at church. I brought Jenn along too. =) So, here are some pics from that. I always have problems blinking when people are taking pictures of me.....and I was having REAL problems with it this night. Anyways, I had fun! I really suck at bowling and this night was no exception, but it was still fun. Oh, and I stole these pics off of Sarah's myspace page, so this is courtesy of Sarah's photography. =)

Here's a couple pics of Jenn, me and Sarah...

Me and Derek

Also, today (Sunday) was beautiful. It was so warm!!! Praise God for warm weather!