Ame's Blog

Friday, September 28, 2007

Just call me Mrs. Demaret

The "WOW" dress!

Mom and I

Me and Sis

The three of us!

Stace and I

Skyler and Bon

Larissa and Sarah

Our beautiful cake


Me and Dad

Michelle and Geoff

Mr. and Mrs. Demaret

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Oh, I dunno.....

I had sort-of a vision in Sunday School a couple of weeks ago. I envisioned seeing the view of the world on Sunday morning from God’s perspective (as if I can even imagine His perspective). It was as if I were looking down on the world…….and people were all walking into churches. And, I felt sad. God felt sad. People were walking into churches and closing the doors behind them. I’ve been holding this thought in my mind, trying to figure out what would really be sad about people going to church. People go to church to worship God, right? Or…… that the problem. Why do we go to church? I’ve had these anti-church feelings welling up inside of me for several months now. And, I think my problem is how the word “church” is used. What is a church? A building that we go to, where there is a cross hanging on the back wall, where we sing songs and listen to a sermon? Why would I want to participate in that? Where is God in all of it? Oh, I know He’s there. But, does everyone else? Do the people sitting in the pews know that He’s right beside them? Does the pastor realize that the words he is speaking are representative of the very God who wants to reach the people through him? Or is it all a show? Do the church-goers want to impress each other and the pastor with their “good” lives? I mean, they are at “church”, right? Is there a secret contest between pastors to see who can grow the biggest church? I think that it saddens God that instead of us waking up in the morning and embracing Him and His love, we rush off to a building we call “church”. A responsibility. A recreational facility. We walk away from our relationship with the Father. I’m not saying that going to “church” is a bad thing. I just think we all need to readjust our thoughts on what the church really is. God’s Church. God’s people. People who love the Lord and love each other. It’s more simple than we make it. Come as you are WHERE you are. Don’t close the door of the church on Him (metaphorically speaking). Take Him with you wherever you go. Better yet, go where He’s at!