Stuff About Me
A friend of mine recently asked me some get-to-know-you questions in an email, which I have decided to post on here just to let you all know a little more about me. I would love to hear anyone else's answers to these questions, if you feel led to post them! =)
1. Who are your role models / people you look up to in life ?
- My parents who have instilled in my sister and I the knowledge of right and wrong.
- My sister for her compassionate heart.
- Bonnie James - for loving people enough to say the important things, even when they aren't easy to say.
- Stacy Morris - for her unwavering faith in God to bring her through all circumstances, and her obedience to His will.
2. When did you first accept Jesus and what experiences drove you to that decision ?
I was baptized (alongside my Dad and sister) when I was 9 years old. I truly believed in God at that point in time, but I lived a life without a relationship with Him. I don't think I recognized Him as my Savior, because I did not realize that I was in need of one - I did not realize I was a sinner or that I needed anyone to save me. So, the next several years, I lived a life pretty much with little thought to God. I even stopped going to church all together for several years. In high school, Bonnie and I became friends....I look back and think of us as little heathens. We were very worldly. I was a naive teenager who lacked any sense of self-worth, like a lot of young girls. At that time, Bon had been hanging around with Stacy McCormick who told Bonnie about Jesus. Bon got saved and was excited about it, which lead to her asking me if I was going to heaven when I die. I brushed off her question, thinking that I didn't need to worry about that kind of thing, after all, I had grown up in church. I knew all about that stuff. She kept bugging me about it for about a week and I kept ignoring what she was saying. But, Bonnie spent the night at my house one night and we stayed up late talking about God. I realized then, in my room, how awesome God was to have created the world and all the things in it. For the first time, I just KNEW that God was there with us and that He actually loved me. And in my heart, I asked for God's forgiveness for being so stupid and living my life apart from Him so many years. That was September 6, 1995, - I remember we went to "See You At the Pole" that next day and I was the happiest I had ever been in my life. =) I was 17.
3. What are your passions in life ?
The number one passion in my life is my relationship with Christ. I know that I can never be more fulfilled and content than when I am seeking to know Him more and striving to become more like Him. The other passions in my life fall under that heading (they are influenced by my first love) - relationships with family & friends, my church, reaching others for Christ. Those are things I am truly passionate about.