My listening ears are turned on now....
Last Sunday was a wake up call for me. Not that I didn't already realize that I wasn't focusing on God enough, but I was officially called on it. Several in Sunday School were talking about how they felt the Spirit moving. Basically, they had an uncertainty of what is happening right now, but agreed that God is doing SOMETHING. When Penny asked me directly what I was feeling, honestly I was startled.....because, I haven't been paying attention. I have not been seeking the Spirit's movement around me, here lately. I have been doing my own thing.
I'm listening now.
I have mixed emotions about how this weekend was. It was good FOR me, but not such a fun experience. I ended up going to "The Revolve Tour" (kind of last minute), not with my church, but with the church group of the lady I work with. It is like "Women of Faith", but for young girls. For anyone who has been to a Women of Faith conference, you know that it is kind of a bittersweet experience. It is a very good program, but you'd better be ready to have your toes stepped on.....and to be in tears all day. That's how Revolve was as well. In fact, I was in tears as soon as we all stood up to sing the very first song. had nothing to do with the song. It was the whole environment. Here I am, standing amongst 7,000 mostly teenage girls. God has really been laying young people on my heart. And, as I looked out over the crowd, I was overwhelmed with love. I know that sounds strange.....I only knew about 20 out of the 7,000. But, what I saw when I looked around, were thousands of promises for hope. I saw God's daughters. And, it made me remember myself at their age....back when I first came to know Christ....when all I wanted to do was live for Him and be a light for my unsaved friends. I was so excited back then. I just wanted to protect those girls from the world. If they could only just stay in that arena, where they were safe from the ideas the world throws at them. If they could keep their innocence. Yeah. That is what I felt.

I LOVE Tammy Trent...

Esther, Courtney and Jordi

And, the tears were back in Sunday School today. Melissa Garrison is going to be teaching us for awhile. She is an anointed teacher...I felt God's presence in every word that left her mouth. Can't explain that, is like fire. And, I'm not pentecostal, so I don't normally speak in that way, but that's how it is. What she said today though, was an answer to something I've been praying about. You see, I am a dreamer (literally). All my life, I have had vivid dreams. My family has always been amazed at the crazy stuff I dream. A lot of it is just that.....crazy stuff that is hiding somewhere in my brain and decides to show up when I sleep. Some of it, however, I believe to be God-given (and sometimes demon-inhabited...that's another discussion). Anyway....for several months, I have been dreaming about wars. Some are wars here on earth. Some have been dreams of the last and final war, between heaven and hell and the people on both sides. And, I am always a part of them. Either I am training to be in a war, or I am gathering weapons, or I am running alongside Jesus....but I'm always IN the war. This is kind of a strange thing for me to dream, because I am in no way militarily inclined. I don't view myself as the type of person who would be a soldier in the fact, that is the last thing I would want to do. I do know that I will be in the last battle with Jesus, so that I understand a little more, but as far as my dreams about training and that sort of is very uncharacteristic. And, not really something that is even on my mind. Along with these dreams, there is a name that I have felt God speaking to me. I can't explain that either, except that it is a word that has been on my mind...and it keeps coming back. I have been praying about what it means, and trying to figure out why it is on my mind. Today, Melissa told us that there are many names that people will call us. The world gives us names, like "stupid", "unimportant", "ordinary"....but, God gives us a new name. In the Bible, He gave people new names. God has been whispering to me His name for me. I don't think I'm going to share it yet, because I still don't fully understand it's meaning in my life. But, does anyone else feel that God has given them a new name? Or am I the only crazy one out there? Haha. You all are going to think I'm a looney-toon now! =) Oh well!
Hope everyone has a good week! Love you all.
dang...when you open up, you open up....thanks ame..
i would seriously love to talk to you more about this stuff....i was lookin forward to seeing you sunday ngiht at chets but you werent there:(
Thanks for your gift of transparency, Ame.
I'm glad to know someone else had tears Sunday morning during class...I was crying so hard, I coulnd't even look up for most of the time Melissa was talking. I can't even express what I was feeling/sensing as she goes so deep, there ARE no words--and that's a very unusual place for me to be!
All I know is...I don't know yet what I need to know. But I think I'm right there on the edge of it. This weekend was a turning point in my life--I was in one of those "I can't keep living my life in the same old way" places and God just INVADED my space in a very deep and knowing way.
Much of what Melissa said Sunday morning was nothing but confirmation of what I experienced Saturday. I hope He eventually gives me the words to express what He's spoken to my heart. If not, I guess I'll just have to be content with saying "God knows my heart...and my name".
your not the first person i have heard talk abotu new names lately...hmmm....i've never really heard about this before recently....its interesting
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