BKK - 2006
Umm.....yeah.....so I know there has been a blog drought here for about 2 months, but I've got stuff to share now!!! I have spent the past week at Big Kids Kamp and it has been awesome. =) I have a ton of pics that I'm going to put on here and I'm going to share what God has revealed to me along the way. So many things, I don't know where to start!!! First of all, "Bon & Ame" was back in full force this week after being away from camp for 5 years. We had to adjust to some changes that have occurred since we were last campers, but all turned out for the best.
I was a resource person for J'ne, but really I don't feel like I can claim a job title. J'ne was an awesome teacher and I can't take credit for a thing. Our class became very close throughout the week and were able to share things with each other. The class was an example of the body of Christ working together as a team, to build one another up and be unified in the Spirit. Which is what the bible study (book of Phillippians) was all about!!!
We started out the week with "The Big Game" on Monday night. My class was Teamo Supremo. (Teamo...Supremo.....Teamo....Supremo....) We won!!!
Here everybody is getting their war paint on before the Big Game.

Marylee showing team support. ;)

Teamo Supremo girls (Emily, Kelsey, J'ne, me, Katie, Tiffany & Lauren) and Mark.

Emily & Greg in the "Sammy the Seal" competition (he had to catch as many sardines in his mouth as he could).

Here's Gatlin, our "Garbage Disposal", with Jimmy and Brad being judges. Gatlin won this one. This guy will eat anything!

Kelsey and J'ne had to find out how well they knew each other in this one.

Chet announcing Levi and Lauren for their dance routine. They rocked!

Here's our "Timeline" representatives (Mark, Katie, Tiffany and Levi). They had to put books of the Bible in order.

So, Tuesday night we went swimming. Wednesday night's service was awesome and I think there were like 12 campers (there were 16 souls won for Christ total this week out of 54 campers - that we know of) who stood up to say that they had accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. Molly (one of the girls in our cabin) was saved! Praise God!!! Wednesday night was also Comedy Night...
Dorothy Vaughn got Brandon Lee back for writing untruths about her in the newsletter. He got to taste test some of her treats and got a little taste of the "crap" he had been dishing out. =)

Ok - this is JC and Matt Wallace doing "The King and I" and it was hilarious. I was dying. JC ended up with a concussion during this, but it was well worth it.

The Posers - Quentin, Brandon, Paige, Kelsey and Mark

Okay, so I guess you had to be there...

I guess I can't talk about camp without mentioning the Kneeball game on Thursday. Boys won. Thursday night was Talent/Praise Night. Our class did a skit envisioned by Emily. And it was really awesome! All Christians are sinners, but by the blood of Christ we are washed clean!!! And don't let any Christian fool you - we all have sin in our lives. We all have things that we are ashamed of and would rather no one know about. But God knows everything about us and He STILL loves us.
Friday during Bible study, we celebrated the Big Game victory. Here are some pics of that:

- by the way, Greg has an awesome testimony of how God has saved his life more than once. God has great plans for him! ;)

- this girl has such an awesome heart for the Lord. I can't wait to see what God does in her life!
Katie & J'ne


Friday night was the dress up dinner. Here are some pics of that:
Here's me and Bon. Are we two hot chics or what?!? (Sorry, still working on being humble.)

We're not as cute as Macayle though...

Cathy, Misty and Bonnie. I'm not sure what Misty's laughing about - she's probably just full of the Spirit.

JC, Brad and Herschel serenaded everyone with their rendition of "Ice, Ice Baby".

Random table pics...

Let me just tell you...the dinner was great, but the service after that was AMAZING. There really is no way for me to put it into words, but I'll try. Wow. The Holy Spirit was in that place. He was invited in, He showed up and everyone in that room knew it. It was beautiful. Adam started playing the guitar and everyone joined in praise. Praise to our King. I have never felt the Holy Spirit's presence so strong. I was trembling as I sang. I stopped singing for a moment just so I could hear everyone and it was so beautiful. It sounded as if we were a choir that had rehearsed the songs... Chet said that it was like he could hear angels singing above our voices and I believe that is true. I think that angels sing along with us in praise all of the time, but this night, a piece of heaven was revealed to us. This was truly God's church in worship - one in Spirit and in agreement that He is the one true God who has saved us all. AWESOME! I could have stood in that place forever. But there was more after that...
We went back to our cabins and had communion together. Nicole accepted Christ into her heart! And Jenna already knew Him! So.....all of our cabin is going to heaven! Yay God! Hehe. It was an amazing night. Have I mentioned that it was awesome???
Here is a pic of our cabin girls (Molly, Nicole & Jenna) Aren't they cute?

We stayed up late Friday night - I don't think I got to sleep until about 3:00 a.m. Here are some pictures that I took around 1:30.

Terra & Bethany

Morgan & Jerica modeled their feet for us.

Jimmy (he looks so excited)

Terri & Joe

One thing that I was reminded of this week is that I am so unworthy of God's love. We watched a video clip from "The Passion of the Christ" - where Jesus is crucified. I don't know why I have to be reminded of what He did for me, but I needed to be. I become concerned with so many petty things in life that don't even matter. The only thing that matters is that people know what Christ did for them. If we all lived our lives as if we actually understood His sacrifice, we would have no reason to argue or complain, or to worry over the future. I should live a holy and blameless life for Him, because I can give Him nothing more than that - my life.
I also learned that all I have to do is make myself available and God will use me. One of the messages JC gave came from Matthew 4:18-20 where Jesus calls Peter and Andrew from the lake to "Come, follow me". I can come up with so many reasons not to do what God calls me to, but I need to trust in Him and say "Okay Lord, I'll do it". I guess that is what I did with this week. I came up with so many excuses not to help with camp - I had to use my vacation time, I didn't feel capable or worthy to be an example to campers, I was afraid of opening myself up the way I knew I would have to....etc. But I felt God nudging me to go, so I did...and He used me. Not because of anything I can do, but because I made myself open to whatever might be placed before me. I have been so blessed and praise God for revealing His power to me.

Visit JC's website! www.jcgroves.com
Britt - I remember that in the video and thought it was an interesting take on how it might have happened. Although, even if they had thrown Him on the cross, He still had the power to stop them, so essentially He put Himself on it no matter what. But, that was a great depiction of it!
WOW---awesome! I've been missing your posts on here...I'm glad to see that you're back and so filled with His spirit! I loved hearing about BKK---it brought back a TON of great memories for me---even how I got saved! Thanks for the great post...and your willingness to share the things that God reveals to you! You're an awesome gal and He wi1l use you in all kinds of ways!
what a great post! i think you've inspired me to blog again!
Yay God!
nicely done ame...nicely done
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