Where I Was
On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was in my college apartment, getting ready to go to class. It was a morning like any other. My alarm clock went off and I drug myself out of bed. Took a shower, got dressed, had my orange juice, like I always do. My computer was on, so as I picked up my book bag to head to class, I glanced at the screen. A friend of mine had IM'd me...."Have you been watching the news?" "No", I replied, "Why?" "Turn the TV on", he said, "the World Trade Center has been attacked." I turned on the television and watched, unsure of what was going on. An airplane had hit the WTC? They were talking about terrorists. I left and started walking to class. It was beautiful outside. The campus seemed quiet, except for the military jets that flew over. In my class, everyone was chatting about what was going on. No one really knew yet exactly what had happened. Our professor came in and taught class as usual. Afterward, I went back to my apartment. Mom called. She told me that I had better fill my car up with gas, because the rumor was that the stations might run out. Of course, I knew that I shouldn't give into that panicked behavior like everyone else, but I wanted to get home that weekend. I wanted to make sure I was able to get home to see my parents and sister, so I (like everyone else) went to the gas station and got in line. Cars were lined down Kingshighway waiting for gas. There were probably 10 cars in front of me, but I didn't care. It wasn't important. For once, I didn't get impatient waiting in a line. All of us were there for the same reason. We were confused about what had happened. We didn't know what else to do. I turned on the radio in my car. The only thing on any station was coverage of the day's events. I listened as they told of the deaths...I couldn't stop the tears. My normally selfish routine had been interrupted by something bigger than me...something I couldn't control. I didn't personally know a single soul who died that day, so I don't know what it feels like to be a person who did lose a loved one. What I did feel was an attack on something I love.....something that until that day, I did not realize how much I took for granted. My country. Our freedom. The great people who live here. My home.
you brought me to tears. I was doing my internship at the courthouse in Fairfield. There was no court that day. We all sat in the Judge's chambers and watched the news. It was crazy.
I was at bethel for my first semester. I had just gotten out of the shower as well and got on my computer to chet's IM saying we had been attacked. I turned on the TV and just happened to turn it on as the first tower fell. I couldnt believe it. The first thing i did was instinctly call home.
then i went over to my friends house and we all crowded around the TV and watched the news. We went to chapel. It was almost the entire school there. We simply prayed. It wasn't very comforting.
Its probably the most evil thing any of us have ever witnessed. Its still hard to get the images out of my head, and really, i was in no way personally affected. How do those people who lost family and friends in it feel ya know?
Yesterday in my international media class the speaker was Muslim and was talking about how not all Muslims supported the attacks on 9/11. We all knwo that is true but unfortunately the media doesnt show us that, we only see the Fundamentalist Muslims who have misinterpreted their bible and believe they are to kill for their God.
The speaker just didnt understand why so many American's hate Muslims since they dont necessarily hate Americans or Christians.
Anywho, many people know that I am not a supporter of the war we were in, but for the first time yesterday during that class I put myself in the shoes of a victom of 9/11. Someone who lost a family member in the the WTC, or one of the planes. It brought me to tears in the middle of the class. As people we seek resolution, we seek an answer, we seek revenge or whatever. I will tell you that if I was a victom I would probably hate Muslims, I would support the war, because thats our human nature.
I know I'm just rambling here but it was just a very wierd experience yesterday. Something I hadnt thought ever thought about. Like Herschel said those images will forever be in our minds and I guess for the first time yesterday I actually felt like I was also a victom. Not in a way many were, but my country was, those who share the same beliefs as me were, those whom I will one day share eternal life with. It was a bit surreal.
P.S. Amy could you re-ad me on myspace something got messed up. :)
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