2006 has begun...
The holidays are over....now back to real life. It will be a long time before I have that much time off work again, but I think I'm rested up and I can handle it. So, this past week I worked some overtime to get caught up on all the work that piled up while I was on vacation. I think I'll be working some extra next week, too.
Stacy and Luke moved back to Michigan Thursday. I'm going to miss my friend, but I know God has plans for her there.
I have this notebook, that I write things in whenever I'm upset or need to just get some thoughts out. Sometimes I'll write out prayers or poems in it. Anyway, I try not to read through what I've written too often, because really, it's kind of depressing to sift through that old stuff. But, I pulled it out of my nightstand this week and read it. And, this time when I looked at it, it wasn't depressing. It actually had the opposite effect. Looking back on things that have happened, dreams that I once had, I realize how far I have come from 6 years ago, even just one year ago. There have been times when I thought that I would not make it from one day to the next, but I did...I have. I have grown through the things that I have overcome. And I thought that I was overcoming horrible things being done to me, but in reality I had to overcome MYSELF. Selfishness. Wanting to live my life the way I want and not according to God's perfect plan. God has forced me to give up my desires and I have come to a point, finally, where I am willing to listen to Him and what He wants for me. It's such a relief to let go of the things I have tried to control and let God take control. I thank God for not giving up on me and putting up with my stubborn pride.
Last night was Geoff's ordination ceremony. It was an awesome service. God is going to do great things through Geoff and Michelle. His anointing was definitely over the service and is on their lives and the church in Chandler. Pastor Kevin (who I miss very much) said that it was a historic moment and I believe he is right. I can't wait to see what God has in store for the future.
(My Beautiful Sister)

I am so proud of you. Love Mom
Thanks mom. =)
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